Do you like the Rzut Beretem map? – Do you think it's a good step towards circular fashion? Support our efforts!
Thanks to your financial support, as the Problematy foundation, we can expand Rzut Beretem to new locations, continuously develop new features, and maintain full independence and impartiality.
We encourage you to support our foundation regularly. You can do this through the secure platform We deeply value the idea of grassroots funding for non-profit organizations. Social activism is a great passion of the entire Problematy team – help us make it happen!
Through, you can support us while shopping online. By installing a special browser extension, you can donate an average of 2.5% of each transaction to us! You lose nothing – the store transfers the funds to our organization.
If you prefer one-time support, you can donate to our bank account. We are incredibly grateful for every contribution!
Bank transfer details:
Fundacja Problematy
Account number: 22 1870 1045 2078 1070 6561 0001
Transfer title: Donation <3
The Rzut Beretem application is based on the open-source Goodmap project, which we actively develop. If you'd like to help, check out our repository on GitHub.
If you have any questions, feel free to contact us via email: